Monday, November 30, 2009
holiday gift idea: EcoTools by Alicia Silverstone
i'm so excited to share that Alicia Silverstone has teamed with ecoTOOLS to create a complete set of five cosmetic bags, ranging from a brush bag with a brush set to an overnight bag just in time to give for the holidays!
while i haven't seen these bags in person yet, i am familiar with the ecoTOOLS brand and know they make incredible environmentally-friendly cosmetic brushes and bath accessories. the brand is entering unchartered territory with this eco-conscious set of cosmetic bags.
as an avid fan of ecoTOOLS and notable environmental activist, Alicia Silverstone is a natural choice to partner with the brand for this new venture.
check out the line:
ecoTOOLS™ by Alicia Silverstone 5 Piece Brush Set and Bag (pictured, above): this limited edition brush set and bag features four of Alicia's must-have brushes and directions to help you create her natural look.
ecoTOOLS™ by Alicia Silverstone Cosmetic Brush Bag: perfect for tossing in a purse for touch-ups throughout the day, this cosmetic brush bag also contains a limited edition blush brush. It is large enough for additional cosmetic storage and has a separate compartment for your brushes in order to keep them clean.
ecoTOOLS™ by Alicia Silverstone Train Case: designed with convenience in mind; its handy zip top allows for easy access and organization. features a clear removable compartment inside so you can keep organized anywhere.
ecoTOOLS™ by Alicia Silverstone Overnight Bag: large, sturdy and durable; features easy-to-grip handles that make it ideal for travel. two interior compartments are removable and versatile to help keep contents clean and tidy.
ecoTOOLS™ by Alicia Silverstone Cosmetic Bag: a staple in any makeup bag collection, this compact case is perfectly sized to fit all the essentials, and is great for the girl-on-the-go. the feminine floral design stands out in any handbag, making it easy to find for quick touch ups.
ecoTOOLS by Alicia Silverstone launches december 2009 at Walgreens and Target stores. vist for more info on the entire line.
Babaji's Inspirational Wisdom Quotes
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Jenis - Jenis KORUPTOR
Korupsi adalah suatu kegiatan yang merugikan keuangan negara demi memperkaya diri dan/atau kelompoknya.
Berikut akan dijelaskan beberapa bentuk korupsi dan jenis -jenis Koruptor
1. Korupsi jalan pintas
Terjadi karena ada hubungan antara sektor ekonomi dan sektor politik dimana sektor ekonomi memberi keuntungan atau jasa pada jumlah tertentu pada sektor politik untuk membuat atau merubah Undang-Undang atau peraturan
2. Korupsi upeti
Yaitu korupsi yang karena jabatannya atau kewenangannya dia mengambil keuntungan.
3. Korupsi kontrak
Korupsi yang dilakukan orang yang melakukan upaya-upaya untuk memenangkan proyek pemerintah atau penyelenggara negara yang menyelenggarakan proyek pemerintah tanpa membuka tenden secara umum
4. Korupsi pemerasan
Aparat penegak hukum atau penyelenggara negara langsung meminta keuntungan atau jasa tertentu kepada perusahaan (biasanya dengan alasan keamanan)
Apa Saja Jenis-Jenis Koruptor
Koruptor yang baik hati
Jenis koruptor ini Ia mempunyai Sifat pemberi. Kalo dapat proyek (hasil korupsi) dia tidak memakannya sendiri tetapi ia bagikan kepada yang Tau proyek tsb.Supaya aman Gito loh
Koruptor yang Busuk
Jenis Koruptor ini yang sering terjadi di indonesia.
Ia terlalu serakah Memakan hasil korupsinya sendirian , orang lain yang tau khan jadi iri dilaporkan deh ke pihak yang berwajib.Jadi ketau deh..
Kenapa GW jadi GIni ya.. ko nulis yang kaya gini..
Berikut akan dijelaskan beberapa bentuk korupsi dan jenis -jenis Koruptor
1. Korupsi jalan pintas
Terjadi karena ada hubungan antara sektor ekonomi dan sektor politik dimana sektor ekonomi memberi keuntungan atau jasa pada jumlah tertentu pada sektor politik untuk membuat atau merubah Undang-Undang atau peraturan
2. Korupsi upeti
Yaitu korupsi yang karena jabatannya atau kewenangannya dia mengambil keuntungan.
3. Korupsi kontrak
Korupsi yang dilakukan orang yang melakukan upaya-upaya untuk memenangkan proyek pemerintah atau penyelenggara negara yang menyelenggarakan proyek pemerintah tanpa membuka tenden secara umum
4. Korupsi pemerasan
Aparat penegak hukum atau penyelenggara negara langsung meminta keuntungan atau jasa tertentu kepada perusahaan (biasanya dengan alasan keamanan)
Apa Saja Jenis-Jenis Koruptor
Koruptor yang baik hati
Jenis koruptor ini Ia mempunyai Sifat pemberi. Kalo dapat proyek (hasil korupsi) dia tidak memakannya sendiri tetapi ia bagikan kepada yang Tau proyek tsb.Supaya aman Gito loh
Koruptor yang Busuk
Jenis Koruptor ini yang sering terjadi di indonesia.
Ia terlalu serakah Memakan hasil korupsinya sendirian , orang lain yang tau khan jadi iri dilaporkan deh ke pihak yang berwajib.Jadi ketau deh..
Kenapa GW jadi GIni ya.. ko nulis yang kaya gini..
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Kiehl's Friend's & Family Event: Enjoy 20% Off!
the holiday season is always an exciting one, isn't it? there so many reasons to be thankful and hopeful. i also love that there are so many sales. speaking of which, Kiel's Friends & Family sale begins tomorrow!
friday, november 27th through tuesday, december 1st at Kiehl's freestanding retail stores and, you'll be able to take 20% off your entire purchase.
need a suggestion? i love, love, love their new Imperial Body Balm. it was given to me while i visited their original soho store while i was in new york this past september*. trust me when i say whether you gift this to your best gal pal or yourself, it is amazing! i love it's texture (it's thick and creamy and leaves my skin feeling so soft) and it smells like a decadent dessert (yum!). it's such a treat after a soothing shower or bath. i'm running low on it already, so i'll definitely be taking advantage of this discount to buy myself some more!
when you check out online at, use code FAMILY. in addition to 20% off, all online orders over $30 will be shipped free.
happy shopping!
*this product given to me from representatives of Kiehl's
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
hello beauties!
guess what?? my family has been moving! yes, it just so happened to occur thanksgiving week, but that's just how everything worked out. obviously, i'm thankful and so excited (i have my own walk-in closet! no more sharing one with hubby, woo-hoo!), but that means an interruption in my daily blogging life. no one is more bummed than me, but i expect that everything will get back to normal by next week.
please stay tuned and thank you so much for understanding! :)
happy thanksgiving!!
guess what?? my family has been moving! yes, it just so happened to occur thanksgiving week, but that's just how everything worked out. obviously, i'm thankful and so excited (i have my own walk-in closet! no more sharing one with hubby, woo-hoo!), but that means an interruption in my daily blogging life. no one is more bummed than me, but i expect that everything will get back to normal by next week.
please stay tuned and thank you so much for understanding! :)
happy thanksgiving!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
At-Home Hair Tips from Hair Rules Founder, Anthony Dickey
if only we all had the time and budget to indulge in the luxury and relaxation that going to a spa offers. spending four figures on a full day of beauty treatments may not be realistic for most of us, but sometimes, a few truly pampering at home tricks can be even better. after all… the service is practically free and you don't have to go anywhere!
"there are many wonderful essential oils for the scalp that we use for so many purposes from adding luster and shine, to fortifying the scalp and hair, to offering astringent or anti-bacterial properties," says Dickey, celebrity hair stylist & founder of Hair Rules. "that's why we offer several special essential oil "ting" treatments at the salon for the hair and scalp."
here are a few of Dickey's favorite essential oils for at home hair and scalp spa treatments:
almond oil is a wonderful moisturizer and scalp soother. not only does it contain protein and important minerals, but it acts like you own sebum, encouraging moisture retention.
eucalyptus oil has significant antiseptic and anti-bacterial qualities. its active germicidal agents prevent infection, and it leaves your scalp feeling cool, tingly and soothed.
comfrey is a powerful healing herb. it can aid in destroying bacteria and healing cuts and abrasions, and also contains a natural hormone called allantoin which is known for its cell-restorative properties and may also serve as a natural retardant for hair loss.
have you tried any of these treatments? i haven't yet. any of these oils would be great to use and will be an especially sweet treat considering we're in the middle of the hectic holiday season!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Mengatasi Kecanduan Seks
Kecanduan seks bentuknya bisa macam-macam, tapi pada umumnya berupa perilaku di luar kontrol. Perilaku tersebut misalnya :
* Menyukai hal-hal berbau pornografi secara berlebihan
* Ekshibisionis dan sejenisnya
* Terlalu sering masturbasi
* Suka Telepon atau internet seks
* Affair yang dilakukan dengan banyak orang
* Seks beresiko (high risk sex)
Bagaimana Mengatasi Kecanduan Seks ?
Jika Anda merasa memiliki perilaku seperti disebutkan di atas, yang pertama harus disadari adalah kecanduan seksual adalah masalah serius yang tidak akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Anda harus mendapatkan pengobatan atau terapi untuk menyembuhkannya.
Kebanyakan penderita merasa kesulitan untuk mengubah perilakunya sendiri. Anda mungkin bisa mengurangi kegiatan seksual untuk sementara, tetapi biasanya siklusnya akan semakin sering dan sulit untuk diputus. Jasa terapi dari para profesional bisa membantu Anda memahami apa yang terjadi dan menguatkan semangat Anda untuk mengubahnya menjadi kehidupan seksual yang lebih sehat.
Mengobati kecanduan seks, seperti kecanduan lainnya, sangat tergantung dari orang bersangkutan. Jika ia bisa menyadari bahwa perbuatannya salah dan ada kemauan untuk mengubahnya, pengobatan menjadi lebih mudah. Proses pengobatan bisa berupa serangkaian terapi mengenai kesehatan seksual, hubungan cinta yang sehat, pernikahan, atau mengikuti program support group. Terkadang obat-obatan tertentu, seperti Prozac atau Anafranil, diperlukan untuk menahan dorongan seksual yang berlebihan.
Jika pasangan Anda mengalami kecanduan seksual, hal ini adalah tantangan untuk Anda untuk membantunya mengubah perilakunya. Perlu Anda sadari juga bahwa tidak ada seorang pun yang bisa sembuh dari rasa ketagihan kecuali ia menerima bahwa dirinya punya masalah dan bertekad untuk berubah. Memiliki pasangan yang kecanduan seks memang berat dan membingungkan, tetapi bukan tak mungkin hal ini disembuhkan. Anda hanya perlu mendorongnya untuk berkonsultasi ke dokter.
Cara-cara untuk mengatasi kecanduan Onani itu diantaranya 10 langkah berikut ini.
1) Yang terpenting, yakinlah bahwa kau mampu mengatasi masalah ini. Kau sudah mampu menahan diri untuk tidak berzina dengan pacarmu, tentulah kau juga mampu menahan diri untuk tidak membiasakan diri melakukan onani. Untuk memperkuat keyakinan diri itu, biasakanlah diri mengucap dzikir yang relevan..
2) Cari tahulah apa saja keadaan-keadaan dirimu yang memicu dirimu membiasakan diri melakukan masturbasi. Misalnya, kau biasa bermasturbasi setiap kali merasa kesepian, bosan, atau tertekan (stres). Kalau memang begitu, waspadalah dirimu setiap kali berada dalam keadaan begitu. Dalam keadaan begitu, tanamkanlah kembali keyakinanmu bahwa kau mampu menahan diri untuk tidak membiasakan diri melakukan onani. Atasilah berbagai keadaan yang tidak nyaman itu dengan solusi lain yang tidak bersifat seksual. Misalnya dengan cara berdzikir.
3) Temukanlah sebab-sebab mengapa kau mampu menahan diri untuk tidak berzina dengan pacarmu. Lalu berlakukanlah hal-hal yang relevan dengan kasus kebiasaan masturbasimu. Misalnya, kalau kau mampu menahan diri untuk tidak berzina dengan pacarmu karena kau menghargai dirinya setinggi-tingginya, maka hargailah juga dirimu sendiri setinggi-tingginya.
4) Hindari menyendiri! Selalulah bersama orang lain (yang tidak membangkitkan rangsangan seksual), kecuali bila terpaksa. Bila terpaksa menyendiri, misalnya di kamar mandi, jangan berlama-lama! Lima menit sudah cukup. Bila kau membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lama ketika menyendiri (misalnya di kamar mandi) lantaran berbagai aktivitas sekaligus, pisahkanlah aktivitas-aktivitas itu. Jadi, mandi, keramas, gosok gigi, dan lain-lain, hendaknya dilakukan dalam waktu yang tidak bersamaan.
5) Di tempat tidur, singkirkanlah jauh-jauh guling dan barang-barang lain yang dapat kau gosok-gosokkan ke alat kelaminmu. Selain itu, pakailah celana dan baju tertentu yang membuatmu sulit bermain-main dengan alat kelaminmu. Setiap kali kau merasa nafsu birahimu memuncak di tempat tertentu (misalnya di kamar mandi atau tempat tidur), beranjaklah dari situ. Pergilah ke tampat lain. Temuilah orang-orang, ngobrollah tentang apa saja yang jauh dari rangsangan seksual.
6) Di mana pun, hindari pornografi atau pun yang semi porno. Jagalah pandangan mata dan pendengaran telingamu dari segala yang membangkitkan birahi.
7) Setiap kali bangun tidur, segeralah bangkit dengan penuh antusias. Jangan bermalas-malasan.
8) Sibukkanlah dirimu dengan berbagai aktivitas yang kau sukai dan jauh dari rangsangan seksual. Utamakanlah aktivitas yang dilakukan bersama orang lain. Misalnya, kau suka membaca buku dan main catur. Ketika kau merasa nafsu seksualmu bangkit alias terangsang, lebih baik main catur bersama orang lain daripada membaca buku sendirian.
9) Sibukkanlah juga pikiranmu dengan berbagai hal yang kau sukai dan jauh dari rangsangan seksual.
10) Bila perlu, mintalah bantuan profesional dari ahlinya, seperti psikolog dan psikiater.
Semoga Bermanfaat
* Menyukai hal-hal berbau pornografi secara berlebihan
* Ekshibisionis dan sejenisnya
* Terlalu sering masturbasi
* Suka Telepon atau internet seks
* Affair yang dilakukan dengan banyak orang
* Seks beresiko (high risk sex)
Bagaimana Mengatasi Kecanduan Seks ?
Jika Anda merasa memiliki perilaku seperti disebutkan di atas, yang pertama harus disadari adalah kecanduan seksual adalah masalah serius yang tidak akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Anda harus mendapatkan pengobatan atau terapi untuk menyembuhkannya.
Kebanyakan penderita merasa kesulitan untuk mengubah perilakunya sendiri. Anda mungkin bisa mengurangi kegiatan seksual untuk sementara, tetapi biasanya siklusnya akan semakin sering dan sulit untuk diputus. Jasa terapi dari para profesional bisa membantu Anda memahami apa yang terjadi dan menguatkan semangat Anda untuk mengubahnya menjadi kehidupan seksual yang lebih sehat.
Mengobati kecanduan seks, seperti kecanduan lainnya, sangat tergantung dari orang bersangkutan. Jika ia bisa menyadari bahwa perbuatannya salah dan ada kemauan untuk mengubahnya, pengobatan menjadi lebih mudah. Proses pengobatan bisa berupa serangkaian terapi mengenai kesehatan seksual, hubungan cinta yang sehat, pernikahan, atau mengikuti program support group. Terkadang obat-obatan tertentu, seperti Prozac atau Anafranil, diperlukan untuk menahan dorongan seksual yang berlebihan.
Jika pasangan Anda mengalami kecanduan seksual, hal ini adalah tantangan untuk Anda untuk membantunya mengubah perilakunya. Perlu Anda sadari juga bahwa tidak ada seorang pun yang bisa sembuh dari rasa ketagihan kecuali ia menerima bahwa dirinya punya masalah dan bertekad untuk berubah. Memiliki pasangan yang kecanduan seks memang berat dan membingungkan, tetapi bukan tak mungkin hal ini disembuhkan. Anda hanya perlu mendorongnya untuk berkonsultasi ke dokter.
Cara-cara untuk mengatasi kecanduan Onani itu diantaranya 10 langkah berikut ini.
1) Yang terpenting, yakinlah bahwa kau mampu mengatasi masalah ini. Kau sudah mampu menahan diri untuk tidak berzina dengan pacarmu, tentulah kau juga mampu menahan diri untuk tidak membiasakan diri melakukan onani. Untuk memperkuat keyakinan diri itu, biasakanlah diri mengucap dzikir yang relevan..
2) Cari tahulah apa saja keadaan-keadaan dirimu yang memicu dirimu membiasakan diri melakukan masturbasi. Misalnya, kau biasa bermasturbasi setiap kali merasa kesepian, bosan, atau tertekan (stres). Kalau memang begitu, waspadalah dirimu setiap kali berada dalam keadaan begitu. Dalam keadaan begitu, tanamkanlah kembali keyakinanmu bahwa kau mampu menahan diri untuk tidak membiasakan diri melakukan onani. Atasilah berbagai keadaan yang tidak nyaman itu dengan solusi lain yang tidak bersifat seksual. Misalnya dengan cara berdzikir.
3) Temukanlah sebab-sebab mengapa kau mampu menahan diri untuk tidak berzina dengan pacarmu. Lalu berlakukanlah hal-hal yang relevan dengan kasus kebiasaan masturbasimu. Misalnya, kalau kau mampu menahan diri untuk tidak berzina dengan pacarmu karena kau menghargai dirinya setinggi-tingginya, maka hargailah juga dirimu sendiri setinggi-tingginya.
4) Hindari menyendiri! Selalulah bersama orang lain (yang tidak membangkitkan rangsangan seksual), kecuali bila terpaksa. Bila terpaksa menyendiri, misalnya di kamar mandi, jangan berlama-lama! Lima menit sudah cukup. Bila kau membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lama ketika menyendiri (misalnya di kamar mandi) lantaran berbagai aktivitas sekaligus, pisahkanlah aktivitas-aktivitas itu. Jadi, mandi, keramas, gosok gigi, dan lain-lain, hendaknya dilakukan dalam waktu yang tidak bersamaan.
5) Di tempat tidur, singkirkanlah jauh-jauh guling dan barang-barang lain yang dapat kau gosok-gosokkan ke alat kelaminmu. Selain itu, pakailah celana dan baju tertentu yang membuatmu sulit bermain-main dengan alat kelaminmu. Setiap kali kau merasa nafsu birahimu memuncak di tempat tertentu (misalnya di kamar mandi atau tempat tidur), beranjaklah dari situ. Pergilah ke tampat lain. Temuilah orang-orang, ngobrollah tentang apa saja yang jauh dari rangsangan seksual.
6) Di mana pun, hindari pornografi atau pun yang semi porno. Jagalah pandangan mata dan pendengaran telingamu dari segala yang membangkitkan birahi.
7) Setiap kali bangun tidur, segeralah bangkit dengan penuh antusias. Jangan bermalas-malasan.
8) Sibukkanlah dirimu dengan berbagai aktivitas yang kau sukai dan jauh dari rangsangan seksual. Utamakanlah aktivitas yang dilakukan bersama orang lain. Misalnya, kau suka membaca buku dan main catur. Ketika kau merasa nafsu seksualmu bangkit alias terangsang, lebih baik main catur bersama orang lain daripada membaca buku sendirian.
9) Sibukkanlah juga pikiranmu dengan berbagai hal yang kau sukai dan jauh dari rangsangan seksual.
10) Bila perlu, mintalah bantuan profesional dari ahlinya, seperti psikolog dan psikiater.
Semoga Bermanfaat
Amber Valetta at the NARS 15x15 Event
makeup artist Lena Koro for Nars Cosmetics created the makeup look for Amber Valletta's appearance at the launch event for NARS 15x15. as one of the 15 celebrities to participate in the project, the model-actress attended the party alongside hosts Daphne Guinness and Marc Jacobs to commemorate 15 years of iconic beauty by François Nars, founder and creative director of Nars. the product that served as the inspiration for her portrait, NARS Belle de Jour Lipstick, was a staple in creating Amber's classic look for the event.
key NARS products used to create Amber's look:
-Vanilla Concealer to hide imperfections
-Firming Foundation in Fiji
-Flesh Loose Powder all over face to set makeup
-Orgasm Blush to contour cheeks
-highlight cheeks with Albatross Blush
-Alhambra Duo Eyeshadow on the eyelid
-Mekong Single Eyeshadow on the crease
-Mambo and Black Moon Eyeliner Pencils to line the eyes
-Larger Than Life Volumizing Mascara on lashes
-Belle de Jour (Sheer) Lipstick
this post includes affiliate links-- simply put: if you click thru the links and purchase from the site, a small percentage of the sale will be paid to me.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Just in Time for the Holidays: Enjoy 30% Off Korres!
hello beauties! i'm thrilled to share that Korres is extending a fabulous gift of 30% off their products and free shipping on orders over $35 using promo code BEAUTYGIRL just for you-- just in time for the holidays!
if you're like me, you like to get as much of your holiday shopping done as soon as possible. if you're not, that's ok, too. just be sure to take advantage of this opportunity! need some suggestions? here are some great picks to consider:
limited edition Sugar Plums color collection-- this set features a Cherry oil lip gloss in Plum, Plum lip butter and Sunflower and Evening Primrose shimmering eyeshadow in Plum. all three products are gorgeous, all-natural and would make a fabulous gift for any beauty-lover.
Triple Threats Little Gift Set-- this limited edition value set includes three travel approved shower gels in scents of Jasmine, Gauva and new Japanese Rose! each shower gel is enriched with Active Aloe®, wheat proteins and vitamins C, E & zinc.
visit, browse around, and you just might find that perfect gift for that special person! if you do, don't forget to enter code BEAUTYGIRL at checkout. :)
products featured sent to me by Korres
if you're like me, you like to get as much of your holiday shopping done as soon as possible. if you're not, that's ok, too. just be sure to take advantage of this opportunity! need some suggestions? here are some great picks to consider:
limited edition Sugar Plums color collection-- this set features a Cherry oil lip gloss in Plum, Plum lip butter and Sunflower and Evening Primrose shimmering eyeshadow in Plum. all three products are gorgeous, all-natural and would make a fabulous gift for any beauty-lover.
Triple Threats Little Gift Set-- this limited edition value set includes three travel approved shower gels in scents of Jasmine, Gauva and new Japanese Rose! each shower gel is enriched with Active Aloe®, wheat proteins and vitamins C, E & zinc.
visit, browse around, and you just might find that perfect gift for that special person! if you do, don't forget to enter code BEAUTYGIRL at checkout. :)
products featured sent to me by Korres
Friday, November 20, 2009
nail color of the week: Rescue Beauty Lounge Grunge
Rescue Beauty Lounge's Grunge is a fabulous neutral, but unlike any neutral i own. it's a described as a moody pinkish grey with a dash of lilac, and i think that's a perfect description.
though i bought Grunge earlier this year, this is only my second time wearing it. in certain light it really looks more pink, and in others it looks more grey-- look at it, it's amazing! :)
pics taken by me :)
StriVectin Overnight Facial Resurfacing Serum
StriVectin Overnight Facial Resurfacing Serum is a new product that promises to gently exfoliate skin overnight-- while you sleep to be more specific --minimizing the appearance of large pores, improving skin's tone and overall appearance so you look more radiant when you wake in the morning.
so, does it work??
i found that it did leave my skin feeling smoother and looking more refreshed the next morning after using it for the first time. now after using it for over 6 weeks, my skin still looks great and a few dark spots (that had been left after a few pesky breakouts) are a distant memory. i am really enjoying this facial serum!
ingredients include willowbark and retinyl palmitate (they gently exfoliate the skin), rosa multiflora fruit extract (helps brighten the skin), and vitamins C and E (antioxidants). it also caontains Exfolactive®,a rich source of complex sugars that increase natural enzyme productivity for enhanced exfoliation.
if you're looking for a gentle exfoliating product, i highly recommend you try this for yourself. this new breakthrough product is one anyone of any age can use, and it's even safe to use around the eyes.
visit for more info and to purchase. you can also find it in Sephora and Macy's stores.
product sent to me for review
pic taken by me :)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Leighton Meester's L'Oreal Liploss of Choice
L'Oreal's Infallible Plumping Lipgloss, like the original, leaves lips glossy and actually lasts on lips longer than most lipglosses. Plumped Tawny and Plumped Rose are the colors i like to wear the most, but i don't find that it adds any fullness to my lips. i can, however, feel the cool tingling when i wear it.
Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester also likes this gloss, finding it gives her that little something extra.:
"L'Oréal Paris' Infallible Plumping Lipgloss
in Plumped Red gives me that extra little color
and boost when i really want my lips to pop."
visit for more info. find it at a drugstore and mass retailer near you.
have you tried Infallible Plumping Lipgloss yet?
info courtesy of L'Oreal. product featured sent to me for review.
Bridget Moynahan: New Face of Garnier Nutritioniste
fictitious characters Carrie and Natasha had a serious rivalry on Sex and the City, but in real life Bridget Moynahan has no problem joining Sarah Jessica Parker as the newest spokesperson for Garnier Nutritioniste.
Moynahan will appear in print and television ads for the Garnier Ulta-Lift collection, beginning in july 2010. the collection is dedicated to anti-wrinkling cremes, serums, and other skincare treatments.
"her class, grace and accessibility make her a model representative of the Garnier brand," says David Greenberg, Maybelline New York-Garnier president of the newest spokeswoman. "most importantly, she exhibits a likable, healthy beauty that speaks to our consumer in such a positive way."
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
WWD: Kate Moss On Her New Fragrance & Living a Fashionable Life
Kate Moss sat down with Women's Wear Daily contributor Brid Costello to discuss her new scent Vintage, which was introduced in europe earlier this month. additionally, Stephen Mormoris, svp of global marketing at Coty said they may look into having Moss create a special color cosmetics collections for its Rimmel brand, which Moss also fronts.
the fragrance's genesis–- Moss' love for vintage fashion–- has much more humble origins. "i couldn't really afford designer clothes when i was young, so i just went to the secondhand shops. it wasn't called vintage then, it was called 'secondhand' when i was 15."
read the full article here
WWD Beauty Biz also spoke with the supermodel about her very fashionable life-- among other things, she opens up about her dfinition of beauty, her inspirations and how to multitask....
defining beauty:
"it sounds really corny, but i think that if you’'e beautiful inside, it shows on the outside for sure. you can be a pretty face, but if you're not a nice person it just doesn’t work. i'm not traditionally a beauty, but apparently people think i'm all right. if you’re a nice person, it definitely helps."
on having a motto:
"there are loads. there's "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." That’s one of them. You try and remember, but it never works.”
her secrets to multitasking:
"i think women are really good at multitasking. men just cannot do it. my boyfriend cannot talk on the phone and [answer] if i ask him a question or get dressed at the same time. i can do all of that-- talk on the phone, answer a question, get dressed and put my makeup on all at the same time. women just do, don't they? i think it's something to do with babies. when you have a child, you have to be able to multitask."
read the full interview here
source: WWD
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
beauty girl tip: Get Soft, Shiny Hair
to give your hair a natural moisture boost while adding amazing shine, follow this easy hair treatment recipe:
1 ripe avocado
1 tbsp olive oil
optional-- 1 egg yolk
*mash avocado into a small bowl. mix in olive oil (and yolk), then spread through hair. leave in for 20-30 minutes (this is a great time to apply a face mask and relax with a favorite book or magazine!).
*wash out using your favorite shampoo, then condition and style as usual.
*enjoy your gorgeously shiny and soft mane!
Monday, November 16, 2009
China Glaze Re-Releases Wizard of Ooh Ahz Collection
listen up nail polish fans, China Glaze is re-releasing one of their most popular collections, just in time for the holidays: the Wizard of Ohh Ahz collection! this set of six glitters is very similar to the original version (released in 2001), and will remind you why China Glaze's glitters are always in the ahead of the pack!
colors include (from left to right as shown in the photo above):
Ruby Pumps: an all time red glitter favorite!
Cowardly Lyin': gold frost with specks of gold micro glitter.
The Ten Man: silver frost with specks of micro silver glitter.
Dorothy Who?: blue polish with massive amounts of silver and blue glitter!
C-C-Courage: purple frost with specks of purple micro glitter.
Good Witch: pink frost with specks of pink micro glitter.
China Glaze nail lacquers are available through salons and professional beauty supply stores nationwide. be sure to visit for more info.
Body Beautiful: When Do You Prefer To Workout?
it's my personal habit to wake up before my family to workout. it's not something i always enjoy doing (really, if i told you how early i wake up, you'd think i was nuts), but i love that i can get in a seriously tough workout before the sun comes up-- then i'm done and i can move on with my day!
do you exercise? if so, when do you do it? did you know there are benefits to working out at different times of day? yep, and thanks to my friends at Blush Media, i'm here to share them with you...
morning exercise benefits:
* a boost of energy. a morning jog can give you extra energy for the rest of the day. another bonus? it staves off hunger. so you'll be less likely to reach for munchies throughout the day because you won't need the energy boost.
* a clear head. your mental acuity improves, so you're able to stay sharp on your feet for whatever comes your way later on in the day (even three cups of coffee can't do it as well as a head-clearing run).
*you'll burn more calories throughout the day. if you kick-start your day with a trip to the gym, you'll raise your heart rate and metabolism, which will stay revved up throughout the day. another bonus? you're not dreading a workout after work. it's done. the only thing left on your calendar is relaxation.
midday workout benefits (don't feel guilty for relishing those extra 30 minutes beneath your down comforter):
* even a twenty-minute sweat session will leave you feeling refreshed and focused.
* a workout in the middle of the day can help beat that afternoon slump and deter you from reaching for a sugary late-afternoon snack.
* it will release any pent up tension and improve blood flow so you can renew your focus (and sanity) to help you get through the rest of your day.
benefits of working out in the evenings (some would rather have their feet up in front of the dvr, but for some this is the only time):
* this is the best time to clear your head of all the demands and to-dos hurled at you all day-- zone out and have some you time. you can focus the stress and aggression into your workout, using that to make your body go harder and faster.
* you're less prone to injury. your muscles are already warmed up and flexible from a day of movement.
* all that stuff that weighed you down today? you can sweat it out-- you truly can.
do you exercise? if so, when do you do it? did you know there are benefits to working out at different times of day? yep, and thanks to my friends at Blush Media, i'm here to share them with you...
morning exercise benefits:
* a boost of energy. a morning jog can give you extra energy for the rest of the day. another bonus? it staves off hunger. so you'll be less likely to reach for munchies throughout the day because you won't need the energy boost.
* a clear head. your mental acuity improves, so you're able to stay sharp on your feet for whatever comes your way later on in the day (even three cups of coffee can't do it as well as a head-clearing run).
*you'll burn more calories throughout the day. if you kick-start your day with a trip to the gym, you'll raise your heart rate and metabolism, which will stay revved up throughout the day. another bonus? you're not dreading a workout after work. it's done. the only thing left on your calendar is relaxation.
midday workout benefits (don't feel guilty for relishing those extra 30 minutes beneath your down comforter):
* even a twenty-minute sweat session will leave you feeling refreshed and focused.
* a workout in the middle of the day can help beat that afternoon slump and deter you from reaching for a sugary late-afternoon snack.
* it will release any pent up tension and improve blood flow so you can renew your focus (and sanity) to help you get through the rest of your day.
benefits of working out in the evenings (some would rather have their feet up in front of the dvr, but for some this is the only time):
* this is the best time to clear your head of all the demands and to-dos hurled at you all day-- zone out and have some you time. you can focus the stress and aggression into your workout, using that to make your body go harder and faster.
* you're less prone to injury. your muscles are already warmed up and flexible from a day of movement.
* all that stuff that weighed you down today? you can sweat it out-- you truly can.
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Award from Mufied
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Saturday, November 14, 2009
Holiday 2009: Napoleon Perdis
during the holiday season, most people take the opportunity to reflect, regroup, relax and in most cases, reward loved ones (and themselves!) with a gorgeous gift or two. it's for this reason Napoleon Perdis Cosmetics is offering a captivating array of holiday-themed goodies handpicked by the makeup maestro himself.
this stylish, desirable and moderately priced "Guilty Pleasures" collection includes limited-edition mini brushes, mega makeup palettes, lip glosses, eye shimmers and bronzing products. everything is graced with the midas touch. each palette shines with glittering gold fabrics, the eye shimmers come in three divine metallic shades, and the lip glosses are embellished with a filigree of glistening metal. when purchased online,customers who spend over $100 will also receive a gold tote bag destined to be dangling from the chicest wrists this winter.
"Guilty Pleasures" is made up of affordable little luxuries-- so much so that you are most likely to think, "one for you. two for me!"
take a look...
Gold Digger Glimmer
"like mini pots of gold at the end of the rainbow." -Napoleon
three brilliant highly-pigmented shimmer pots for eyes include yellow gold, white gold and bronze—an ideal offering for the height of the party season. wear them solo or blend for dramatic and seductive tonal effects. the effect is always dazzling. brush applicator included.
Deco Deluxe Lip Gloss
"create a pout with memorable clout!" -Napoleon
from their sparkling tubes to their radiant shades, these limited edition lip glosses are the height of festive glamour. their juicy flavors (Strawberry, Peach, Raspberry, Tangerine and Watermelon) make them an absolute delight to wear, while jojoba seed oil helps to effectively hydrate your pout. the gloss tubes are bedecked with an art deco-inspired filigree that makes your lip application a fashion statement.
Bronze Bonanza
"you glow girl!" -Napoleon
sun-kissed beauty—with a twist. this intriguing trio of products consists of pressed powder, bronzing brush and lip gloss housed in one convenient kit. the shimmering powder can be used on cheeks, decolletage and limbs for a decadent all-over luminosity. the bronze lip gloss is perfect for jet-setters.
Golden Girl Palette
"welcome to the golden age of makeup." -Napoleon
one ravishing palette, one million looks. available in three variations, each Golden Girl Palette boasts 16 riveting eye shadows, three delightful cheek colors and two brush applicators, all enclosed in an eye-catching gold fabric wallet. that's a whole lot of razzle-dazzle, and all you need for day-to-night transformations.
Gold Fever Brush Sets
"brush up on your makeup skills with these stellar tools." -Napoleon
Shake Rattle and Brush Roll Set features six plush travel-sized brushes: powder brush, blush brush, eye liner brush, concealer brush and two eye shadow brushes in a blend of natural and synthetic hair. the brushes come in a swanky gold brush roll.
Eight is Enough Brush Set comes with eight elegant travel-size brushes including a powder brush, concealer brush, liner brush, lip brush, mascara brush and three eye brushes in a blend of natural and synthetic hair. the brushes are presented in a stylish gold wallet with built-in mirror.
all of the products, along with some other goodies, are available now at to find a location near you, click here.
images and info courtesy of Napoleon Perdis
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