the first week of the new year is behind us (can you believe it? 2009 flew by, if you ask me!), and i'm sure many of you have made some resolutions for 2010 (or have you?). are any of them beauty-related? here are some beauty resolutions i think are worth making:
clean your makeup tools at least once a week. so many people neglect to clean their makeup brushes for months (yes, months-- yuck!), but that is such a bad habit! you can buy a daily spray (i like this one from Sephora) to spritz your brushes with each night and give them a good shampoo on the weekends (this brush cleanser from MAC is fab), and wash your sponges as soon as you're done using them each day. if you buy them in bulk, toss them after a week. the point is to get into keeping your tools clean-- your skin will thank you.

organize your stash. if you are an avid makeup collector (you know who you are), at some point, you have to get organized in order to a) know where your stuff is, and b) keep your home from looking like the beauty department exploded in it (beauty departments are organized after all). i recently purchased some drawers from The Container Store, and they are working fabulously. since the drive to that amazing retailer is an hour away for me, i was happy to find that Target carries an assortment of organizing drawers that fit nicely in my closet as well.

get your beauty sleep. sleep is so important for brain function, staying healthy, and keeps us looking good. last year i found myself very frequently going to bed late, but in 2010 i am resolving to get into bed an hour earlier. it's an easy goal that will get me into bed at a reasonable hour, but i won't feel like it's inconvenient, and i know i'll have more energy during the day.

get and keep your hair in good condition. if you color or relax your hair, it is important to get regular trims every 6-8 weeks. also, using products for your specific hair type will aid in maintaining healthy hair between salon visits. if you don't chemically alter your hair, visits can be stretched out 10-12 weeks, and don't forget to deep condition at least once a month (more frequently of you have drier hair).

wash your face! some of you may still go to bed without washing the makeup off of your face-- stop doing that, please. i know it may seem impossible to take 15-20 minutes each night when you've had a long, exhausting day, but it's so not good for your skin to keep the makeup on. your largest organ recovers and rebuilds during sleep, so cleansing and treating it with good products (think eye cream, serum, moisturizer) will actually benefit it in the long run.
will you be making any beauty-related resolutions this year?
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