regardless of the weather, the stomach is always a "problem area" that people want to fix. in addition to daily workouts, eating the right (healthy) foods will help move you down the right path. i was reading my june issue of Self magazine and came across a great article all about foods that help uncover a flatter tummy that will be summer-ready, any time of year.
these fabulous fruits contain monounsaturated fats that help your body prevent the storage of unwanted fat around your middle caused by spikes in blood sugar levels. a half of an avocado contains 10 grams of the healthy fats. mix with 2 tablespoons of your favorite salsa to make a quick guacamole dip and enjoy with raw veggie slices as a midday snack-- yum!
green tea:

you may already know this, but green tea is not only good for keeping you looking younger (it's high in antioxidants), but it helps boost metabolism, too. studies have shown that drinking 3 cups will eliminate an extra 30 calories daily.
blueberries and blackberries:

these little berries also contain antioxidants which, in addition to all of the many health benefits, help to improve blood flow. when this happens, more oxygen is delivered to muscles which, in turn, allows you to work out a bit harder during your workouts, to burn the fat hiding that six-pack.

whole grains are so much better than refined ones. bulgur is a whole grain low in calories and high in fiber to keep insulin levels low-- researchers speculate that this may help shrink fat cells. eat 1/2 cup with some blueberries for breakfast!
chocolate milk:

no you didn't read that wrong. chocolate milk contains protein and carbs which help aid in muscle recovery. drinking this within 30 minutes of ending your workout to ensure your muscles rebuild properly and keep your metabolism in high gear. mix 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder or syrup that conatins less than 20 grams of sugar to a glass of milk.
want more helpful fitness and nutrition tips? visit self.com
source: self.com
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