My bedside table has what I am reading now and one of my favourite products from my skincare line, my Lavender salve. I think lavender is one of the most healing and most therapeutic plants in history of this world, it smells amazing, is super calming and relaxing. After I had my second seizure I truly believe lavender cured me, whenever I would get a fluttery feeling or feel sick i would crush fresh lavender flower leaves in my hand and smell them. That is how i got into making this salve.... Before I got into making my own skincare, i had spend 100's of dollars in finding the "it" cream, the more money it cost the happier and better it made me feel. I did not realize that i was poisoning my own body and skin. Ever since i put my own stuff on my face and body I can say that I look better, my over reactive hyper sensitive skin is calm, smooth and radiant and for sure I feel better.
My lavender salve has pure unrefined, unbleached organic shea butter, argan oil, extra virgin olive oil infused with fresh lavender flowers in the sun and pure organic French lavender essential oil.I love to use this on itchy dry skin, rashes, insect bites... and best of all at bedtime...I rub it in on my temples and forehead, on my nose and I swear I have never slept better and it gives me comfort to know that it is truly organic and I am doing my body good.
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