in her new book, Style Eyes, makeup artist Taylor Chang-Babaian shares her knowledge, advice and how-to instruction for creating amazing eye looks, no matter what their shape or your occasion. i love that this book is filled with clear, crisp images (kudos to photographer Albert Sanchez) and great step-by-steps for each look-- Taylor includes sections on everything from the brushes you should have and how they are to be used (but without any brand recs), how to play up eyes based on your eye shape and skin tone, brow shaping, etc., without forgetting to include a chapter on how to create the best flawless eye canvas to start your look.

just a few images from Style Eyes (click to enlarge)
each pic is so fresh and inspiring-- they made me want to play with eye makeup looks all day!-- and the use of different colors to create the classic, and oh-so-popular smokey eyes is fabulous! Style Eyes is very thorough and a great book to own since you can pick it up and read it from any part for tips or to try something new!
check out this book, now available on amazon.com and a bookstore near you.
this book was sent to me for review consideration.
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