I took the shea butter and melted it in a double boiler, put Ayurvedic herbs and Calendula tincture.
After three weeks it gets a buttery soft color to it which looks good enough to eat...

Seasonal change to me means high Pitta time which by the way I have enough of , especially moving towards summer days where bugs and allergies are high. I have always known the benefits of Calendula but never thought of using it on myself till I accidentally
bruised myself at the gym....long story short I decided to apply Calendula and I was seriously amazed at the results so I decided to create a SOS balm with Calendula, Arnica and some other Ayurvedic herbs. Calendula Salve is good for bruises, cuts, aches and pains, it soothes dry skin Inhibits Fungal Activity, great as a lip balm and eases pain and muscle cramps, it is great for delicate babies skin as well.
I wanted to not only have Calendula tincture in Shea butter but actually took it a step further by bruising Calendula petals with Shea and letting it sit in the sun for three weeks..here are the steps.
First dried Calendula petals have to be infused with Shea butter for three weeks.