as you may already know, i'm a fan of lists; in some ways, they keep me sane {ha, ha!}. they help me remember more of what i want to accomplish when i actually write them by hand {not to mention i find it to be such a romantic, old-fashioned practice to do these days}, but overall i find them to be the best way to put personal priorities into focus.
inspired by a très fabuleaux blogger i discovered not too long ago, Kaileen Elise, and her weekly weekend creative to-do list, i've been creating my own weekend lists. in doing so, i've found myself enjoying more simple luxuries even during the "work" week; things that aren't necessarily the most exciting to some {like eating my meals on pretty dishes, shopping alone, listening to the sights and sounds of nature while i walk my pup, coloring, taking slow deep breaths, just to name a few}, but truly are fabulous when you think about it.
so, i'm going to do my best to post my lists here and hopefully you'll take the time to make a splendid to-do list of your own!
enjoy time with my family
reflect and meditate on what this holiday weekend really means to me
try a new recipe or two
walk my pup
indulge in a longer yoga practice
catch up on favorite podcasts
create some pages for my art journal
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