Thursday, July 28, 2011

Relax in Goa

Tarun Tahiliani is a very famous designer in India...this villa designed by him in the quiet village of Salvador do Mundo in North Goa is some major eye candy...

The Body Art

Ever see people having their body full of art? This art is called the body art. People paint their bodies to portray their feelings and thoughts; some even try to represent creativity. There are different categories under body art. These categories include painting, piercing, scarring, tattooing and shaping. All these represent different artistic creativity on the body. In some cultures body art is a ritual and in some cultures people try to portray themselves as unique with the help of body art. Some types of body arts can be really bizarre and getting them on the body may inflict pain. These include scarring, piercing and tattooing. But many people are willing to go through the pain to get the art on their body.

The Body As A Canvas: Body Art

The human body is the tool through which somebody experiences life and his surroundings as well as interacts and communicates with others. To some people, however, the body is another piece of canvas through which they could express themselves, their beliefs and their traditions.

Body Art Around the World

Body adornment has always included body painting, tattooing, and other kinds of body art, this has been the case over the ages; but in recent times, body art has become more varied and endlessly creative. It now includes variations such as, Face Painting & Body Art, Gestational Painting (or Pregnant Belly Art), and Temporary Tattoos: Glitter, Henna & Body Illustration. It is now so popular that it is common practice for a body artist or a face painter to be invited to a social gathering like a party or a wedding, corporate events and promotions, so that the guests can take home a unique memento to remember the party by.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

jeez....almost there...

Sweet my credenza arrives tomorrow...yey...I am almost there.....for right now I am just trying to concentrate on this area which is finished and looks sooo bright and happy :)

Best body paint pictures

When using glitter to add to the effect of face paints, make sure you never use aluminum glitter. This can be extremely unsafe for the child's skin and eyes, and it's rather easy for a child to rub some of the aluminum glitter into his or her eye. Avoid this by using glitters that are safe for the skin, such as body glitter. There are many free printable face painting pictures that you can add glitter to and it will make the design stand out and be much prettier. The same thing goes for stick on jewels. Make sure that there is nothing in the glue or jewel that could irritant the skin.

A great idea is to learn how to face paint for your child's birthday party. Professionals will charge up to $150 an hour to do this for you. You truly can save a ton of money by doing it yourself. If you don't know what to paint look for free printable face painting pictures. Face painting really makes a birthday party special, and the designs that you paint will be priceless to the child. The children will really love having the designs on their faces.

body paint pictures

Children love having their faces painted! Whether it's at a carnival, fair, or community fun day or at home just for the fun of it, it's a definite favorite. There are many different things you can do with face painting. There are unlimited ideas when it comes to what types of designs you can paint. Here are a few tips when it comes to face painting designs, and a few things to remember.

There is no need to run out and purchase face painting designs with the amount of information available to you today on the internet. You can find free printable face painting pictures on some really great sites. From simple designs such as flowers and cherries, to elaborate and beautiful fairy, princess and superhero designs, children love each design.

When using paints and other decorative things on the face, you want to make sure that it's all safe. You don't want to use regular acrylic paints like some do, because they can actually irritate a child's sensitive skin. Instead, go for a paint that is made specifically to go on the skin. This will keep the child a happy camper.

Semua Situs Download Musik Gratisan Akan Diblokir Pemerintah

Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, operator-operator telekomunikasi, serta penyedia jasa internet (ISP) akan membicarakan langkah mereka dalam menerapkan pemblokiran terhadap situs-situs seperti itu.

Direncanakan hadir dalam acara tersebut, tak kurang, 10 petinggi operator telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom, Telkomsel, Indosat, XL Axiata, BTel, Natrindo Telepon Selular, Hutchison CP Telecommunication, Smart Telecom, Mobile-8, dan Sampoerna Telekomunikasi) serta 16 bos penyedia jasa internet (ISP) terbesar di Indonesia dijadwalkan hadir dalam acara rapat bertajuk 'Stop Illegal Download' yang akan digelar di Ops Room Gedung Kominfo, Senin Siang.

Menurut Direktur Jenderal Aplikasi Informatika Kementerian Kominfo, Ashwin Sasongko, situs-situs penyedia konten unduhan musik bajakan itu akan diperlakukan sama dengan situs-situs pornografi atau situs penistaan agama.

"Kita akan memblokir semua konten ilegalnya," kata Ashwin lewat sambungan telepon, Sabtu 23 Juli 2011. Namun, Ashwin menjelaskan, pemblokiran itu tidak boleh mengorbankan konten lain yang diijinkan.

Lebih jauh, Ashwin menganalogikan hal ini dengan blog Kartun Nabi Muhammad di layanan blog Wordpress. Menurut dia, yang perlu diblokir adalah blog spesifik yang menghina Nabi tersebut. Tapi tidak boleh mengorbankan blog-blog lain di Wordpress

"Di Wordpress kan banyak blog-blog lain yang berisi konten positif," kata Ashwin. Oleh karenanya, pada pertemuan Senin nanti, Ashwin juga akan melihat 20 situs penyedia konten musik bajakan yang diusulkan oleh untuk ditutup. Bila pada salah satu situs itu ada sekitar 10 lagu bajakan dari 900 lagu lain yang legal, maka kata Ashwin, situs itu tidak akan diblokir begitu saja, melainkan link-link yang menuju konten ilegal itu.

Pekan lalu, yayasan nirlaba yang berjuang untuk mengkampanyekan musik legal, Heal Our Music, secara resmi memang meminta kepada Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring untuk menutup 20 situs web yang menyediakan unduhan musik-musik ilegal atau musik bajakan yang tidak membayar hak cipta.

Situs-situs itu adalah,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dan

Sementara itu, di sela-sela Rakornas Partai Demokrat Golkar di Sentul, penyanyi dan anggota DPR dari Partai Demokrat Theresia E E Pardede atau lebih dikenal dengan Tere, menyambut baik rencana koordinasi operator-operator dan ISP untuk memblokir musik bajakan.

"Kalau memang telco provider dan ISP kompak memblokir situs illegal download, saya menyambut baik. Ini berarti komitmen pemerintah sebagaimana agenda prioritas nasional untuk mengembangkan Indonesia berbasis ekonomi kreatif, telah sungguh-sungguh diimplementasikan," ujar Tere kepada VIVAnews melalui pesan singkatnya, Sabtu 23 Juli 2011.

Selanjutnya Tere optimistis, bila pemberantasan pembajakan hak kekayaan intelektual (HKI) dilakukan secara komprehensif dan paralel dengan sosialisasi penyadaran HKI di tengah masyarakat, industri kreatif bisa menggeliat dan sejajar dengan sektor-sektor lain.

"Agar ke depan kita tak perlu lagi menjual minyak bumi, batubara, emas, sawit, dan sumber-sumber kekayaan alam kita lainnya," kata Tere.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hot Oil Cleanser

If anyone really knows me, they know I am crazy about oils......
If there is any chance I am doing something to my face...its slathering on oil...
If I was stranded on an island and could take only one would be some kind of oil.....
So it would make sense that I would have an oil based cleanser in my line of products....wrong.....
I have always known about the oil cleansing method but never really had a chance to try it since i never really thought oil could cut oil...but ohhh was so wrong.....I have been experimenting with the oil cleansing method that I follow with ubtan and my skin has been glowing...its almost pore less....and I recently added Geranium essential oil to the mixture and I feel like I am at a spa everyday that I do this....It almost ready for production and I thought I would give everyone a sneak peak.....

How to do a oil cleansing treatment-
Pour a quarter sized amount into your palm, rub your hands together and warm it up by gently rubbing your hands together, slowly massage your skin with your fingertips. Don’t splash your face with water first — apply it dry. Work the oil into your skin for about a minute and two, and enjoy the peaceful smell of Geranium at work. Don’t scrub — just rub. Geranium is one of the few essential oils that has the power to uplift and relax at the same can almost feel your muscles relaxing when you are doing this.
Next, wet a washcloth with hot water, wring it out and put it over your face until it’s about room temperature. This is steaming out your pores, removing the impurities and the dead skin cells. It’ll take about a minute, and wipe of the excess oil with the wash cloth.
If you’re like me, your skin will feel softer and look a bit brighter. It won’t feel tight, but it won’t be greasy, either and in about three days it will be glowing out of the world...
I have been doing this at night and have been following this with ubtan and then Flower Power Firming serum or the peptide serum......when I wake up my skin is super soft and has a glowing radiance to it.
Ironically enough the hot oil cleansing treatment is good for all skin types, even acne prone skin and sensitive skin benefits from it most.....
I usually always get heat related rashes on my chest in the summer but I have been doing this on my decollate and so far not a single rash :)For all those who want it, I will have it out super soon.....

Monday, July 18, 2011

World Cup 2010 Body Paint

The 2010 World Cup started last June 11 2010 and will end July 11 2010 in South Africa. This is the first time that the tournament will be held in an African Nation. The FIFA World Cup is the sport that is most watched internationally. The soccer tournament is the most significant sporting gathering not only because of their well skilled popular team or country players, but also because of each National Team's hot female beauties that took part in the current 2010 body paint.

The beautiful hot female beauties that took part in the current soccer games 2010 body paint used impressive art as way of body make up. The hot female beauties have their body only painted while exposing themselves in the World Cup 2010. These hot female beauties with their bodies only painted have contributed much to the success of the worlds most prestigious and sought football tournament or the FIFA.

The World Cup 2010 work of art on the sexy female models features sexy outfits that quite resemble the different jerseys of the FIFA soccer tournament 2010 players depending on the country they represent. Some soccer tournament 2010 body paint features sexy swim suits underneath the skimpy FIFA soccer games 2010 jerseys. The way that the jerseys are painted in each of the body of the hot female beauties is an artistic feat that is out of this world.

The soccer finals 2010 body paint is truly artistic and something to look forward to when watching the FIFA soccer games 2010 aside from its breath taking FIFA matches. There are a couple of artistically impressive grand soccer finals 2010 body arts photographs in the internet which are a sneak peak of what the World Cup 2010 body paint has to offer.

Body Painting - Nude Female and Male Body Painting

Body painting is an art that uses the human body as a canvas. It is a form of painting pictures or spreading colours on human body to look is pleasant to the eyes of the viewers. It is an artistic application of exotic colours over the parts of body. No part is now a day safe from body painting! But the most of the work is done on the face.

When a person desire to show his or her desires on his or her face, he or she approaches a professional body painter. These painters paint and draw figures on face. Among young boys and girls, such face painting is in vogue when attending a party of a celebration. Festivals are preferred places for the body painters.

The History: In fact the human race as a whole is very fond of painting the bodies. This form of art is beloved to be a prehistoric one. In past we were used to paint our bodies with materials like natural dyes, paints and pigments. In some cases we use ash, vegetable colours and clay, too.

The Beliefs: It is believed that the paintings that we do make on our bodies have some extra sensual powers. Some of these paintings are thought to have magical powers with which one could ward off evil spirits or the tribal enemies. Such was thinking many races in past. However today, the painting of bodies is coined with celebration of auspicious occasions like New Year or a dance party. Same practices are prevailing in the indigenous populations of the countries like New Zealand, Australia, the Pacific Islands, and certain parts of Africa.

Summer Vacation Part I.....

Thank You Maja :)

Summer to lots of people across the world means vacation......beautiful lazy summer days filled with sun, sand and a lovely lovely beautiful friend Maja was kind enough to send me these photographs of her vacation in Croatia, I gasped when i saw the first photograph....and have throughly enjoyed looking at them.....and this is part-1, she still has Paris to go to!!!