Sunday, October 30, 2011
images body painting women

best body painting images 2011
sexy body painting images
body painting images

Thursday, October 27, 2011
KIU KIU adalah kata serapan berasal dari bahasa Tionghoa.merupakan salah satu permainan yang memacu adrenaline, permainan kiu-kiu atau biasa disebut domino. Setiap pemain dalam permainan ini harus mempunyai feeling yang kuat untuk bisa menebak kartu lawan, apakah lebih baik atau lebih buruk dari kartu pemain. permainan kiu kiu adalah permainan yang membutuhkan kesabaran, kiu-kiu adalah permainan semacam poker bedanya terdapat pada kartu yang digunakan. jika poker menggunakan kartu remi sedangkan kiu kiu menggunakan kartu domino.
Pemain dalam permainan kiu kiu ada 4 kategori :
1. Profesional
Menurut pengalaman saya, kategori profesional /master sangatlah handal dalam mengocok atau menata kartu jika lawan anda seperti itu cobalah untuk mengganti kartu dengan yang baru atau anda yang mengocok kartu (dalam hal ini disebut dengan tak. seorang master akan merasakan tidak nyaman jika kita terus-terusan menge-tak karena otomatis sang master tidak akan dapat membagikan kartu sesuai dengan keinginannya.
2. Pinter
kategori ini adalah jika lawan mengetahui saatnya dia harus ikut atau harus mati. menurut pengalaman saya, lebih susah mengahdapi lawan yang pinter ketimbang menghadapi master, karena lawan yang pinter akan mengetahui saatnya harus bertindak atau mengundurkan diri. biasanya lawan yang pinter ini tidak akan menembak (membohongi lawan dengan all in) bermaksud untuk menakut-takuti lawan. pemain dengan kriteria seperti ini sangat susah dikalahkan karena cenderung sabar dan teliti. jika anda menghadapi lawan seperti ini coba untuk memahami permainannya jika perlu kalo lawan anda ikut sebaiknya punya anda dimatikan saja.

Pada umumnya para pemain kiu kiu mempunyai kategori seperti ini. jika terus menerus menang maka pemain dengan kategori seperti ini tidak akan mau bubar, dan akhirnya akan kalah. pemain dengan type seperti ini cenderung emosional dan percaya diri.
4. Bodoh
Biasanya adalah kaum awam, atau yang baru pertama kali bermain. selalu ikut walaupun kartu kepunyaanya jelek.
Nih ada applikasi gamenya di facebook klik disini
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
nail color of the week: Sonia Kashuk Taunting Teal
definitely a different flavor for me, but i am beyond gushing ~ j'adore this shade!
when i first spotted this beauty i thought, wow, gorgeous. my daughter was with me at the time said, "what, really, blue?"
please excuse her...she's 11
and besides, i own plenty of blues, thankyouverymuch...but with this one, it was love at first sight.
i didn't actually buy it that day, though.
then i kept thinking about it {does that ever happen to you?}, so i knew i really wanted and would wear it. also, it's affordable {$4.99}, so the next time i was at Target, i put it in my cart. :)

so, what do you think?
here's the rundown: the formula applies gorgeously and wears beautifully. since i don't wear my polishes longer than 3-4 days at most, i'm happy to say that there was very minimal wear, even after typing and lots of hand washing...fabulous job SK! i'll be wearing this one a lot this season...
you can find all Sonia Kashuk products at your local Target store.
when i first spotted this beauty i thought, wow, gorgeous. my daughter was with me at the time said, "what, really, blue?"
and besides, i own plenty of blues, thankyouverymuch...but with this one, it was love at first sight.
i didn't actually buy it that day, though.
then i kept thinking about it {does that ever happen to you?}, so i knew i really wanted and would wear it. also, it's affordable {$4.99}, so the next time i was at Target, i put it in my cart. :)
here's the rundown: the formula applies gorgeously and wears beautifully. since i don't wear my polishes longer than 3-4 days at most, i'm happy to say that there was very minimal wear, even after typing and lots of hand washing...fabulous job SK! i'll be wearing this one a lot this season...
you can find all Sonia Kashuk products at your local Target store.
all pics taken by me :)
Monday, October 24, 2011
support a good cause with Shiseido Shimmering Rouge...

i've been under the weather for the past couple of weeks {and i'd say stuck out in the weather for all last week and weekend ~ it's not been fun, but i'm staying positive!}, so i'm a bit late in sharing this. i did, however, share this fabulous Shiseido lippie for breast cancer awareness via my tumblr and twitter accounts when i received it {weeks ago}, but with life, comes distractions and interruptions...
in any case, i'm here now to inform you that you should to not only visit your local Shiseido counter and take advantage of being able to donate $5 to a great cause {CEW's Cancer and Careers, an organization that helps women in the workforce coping with cancer}, but to treat yourself to a gorgeous Shimmering Rouge Lipstick in Iron Maiden {RS308}!

not only a fab color, but it feels amazing on the lips ~ its silky, smooth texture pampers lips with moisture but still manages to wear well and lasted longer than i expected.

visit shiseido.com for more details.
product sent for the purpose of review; all pics taken by me :)
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Video Tewasnya Muammar Khadafi
Kolonel Muammar Khadafi, pemimpin Libya yang digulingkan, tewas dengan luka tembak di kepala dan kakinya. Sebuah video saat Khadafi terluka ditayangkan Al Jazeera. Khadafi dengan berlumuran darah di wajahnya terlihat masih hidup. Tubuhnya yang sudah lemah diseret sejumlah tentara.
Khadafi sempat memohon kepada tentara revolusioner agar tidak ditembak. "Jangan tembak. Jangan tembak!".
Khadafi yang terluka tampak bingung. Ia pun menanyakan ke tentara yang menawannya. "Apa yang sudah saya lakukan kepada kalian".
Cuplikan video itu juga memperlihatkan Khadafi yang didorong ke sebuah mobil. Dan seseorang menghantamkan sebuah pistol ke kepala Khadafi, Jumat (21/10).
Sementara itu, video yang lain menunjukkan tubuhnya yang berlumuran darah diseret melalui jalan-jalan kota kelahirannya, Sirte. Khadafi tampak bertelanjang dada.
Konfirmasi kematian Khadafi ini memicu puluhan ribu warga turun ke jalan untuk merayakannya. Tembakan perayaan terdengar di ibukota, Tripoli dan mobil-mobil membunyikan klaksonnya. Sejumlah warga yang berkumpul saling memeluk satu sama lain.
Seperti diketahui, pria yang memerintah Libia selama empat dekade ini ditangkap dari tempat persembunyiannya di selokan. Berbagai media massa internasional, Kamis (20/10), melaporkan Khadafi tewas tertembak saat pasukan pemberontak menyerang lokasi persembunyiannya di Sirte.
Kepala dan kakinya diberondong peluru oleh pasukan Dewan Transisi Nasional (NTC). Pada saat kejadian ia tengah berusaha mengamankan diri dari serangan udara pasukan Pakta Pertahanan Atlantik Utara (NATO).
Cek TKPnya : http://menujuhijau.blogspot.com/2011/10/video-tewasnya-muammar-gaddafi.html
Friday, October 21, 2011
Mandi Hapus Rasa Sedih dan Bersalah
"Dengan mencuci tangan atau mandi di bawah pancuran air, orang bisa menyingkirkan perasaan-perasaan yang membuat mereka resah. Misalnya rasa malu karena tindakan asusila atau ragu akan pengambilan keputusan," ujar peneliti Spike Lee dari University of Michigan di Amerika Serikat.
Pernyataan Spike tersebut sudah dibuktikan lewat penelitian ilmiah yang dilakukan bersama timnya. Mereka meminta para responden untuk memikirkan tindakan imoral atau memalukan yang pernah mereka lakukan atau alami di masa lalu. Sebuah tes psikologis digunakan untuk memeriksa seberapa besar rasa bersalah mereka pada kejadian tersebut.
Responden kemudian dibagi menjadi dua grup. Kelompok pertama dites dalam kamar yang bersih dan terawat dengan baik, sementara kelompok lainnya berada di kamar yang kotor.
Dalam tes yang lain, partisipan diperbolehkan untuk mencuci tangan mereka dengan sabun antiseptik dan berkesempatan melakukan hal-hal baik setelah penelitian.
Dari tes-tes tersebut, ditemukan bahwa kelompok yang dites di kamar yang kotor menganggap tindakan imoralitas mereka lebih buruk dibandingkan grup yang ada di ruangan bersih. Sementara responden yang mencuci tangannya, memiliki penyesalan yang lebih ringan terhadap kesalahan yang dilakukan di masa lalu, dibandingkan mereka yang tidak mencuci tangan.
Meskipun efeknya cukup signifikan, Spike mengingatkan, walau tubuh dan pikiran merasa lebih 'bersih' setelah mandi, tidak lantas membuat mereka langsung bahagia. Sifatnya hanya meluruhkan dan tidak dialami secara permanen.
Spike juga menuturkan, membersihkan kotoran secara fisik bisa berarti juga menyingkirkan 'sisa residu' dari pengalaman tidak menyenangkan yang dialami sebelumnya. Namun menurutnya, mandi tidak hanya membersihkan perasaan negatif, tapi juga sebaliknya. Bisa ikut meluruhkan kenangan yang bahagia.
"Proses membersihkan ini bisa mengurangi hal-hal yang dirasakan dari pengalaman sebelumnya. Jika Anda merasa bahagia saat akan mandi, perasaan itu juga bisa 'larut' terbawa air," jelas Spike, seperti dikutip dari Daily Mail.
Bahkan ketika orang mencuci tangan setelah mengalami kejadian menyenangkan, rasa hangat akan kenangan bahagia itu bisa berkurang. Membuat orang merasa kurang puas.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
green beauty: 100% Pure Color Cosmetics
there's nothing i love better than knowing products i use are natural and good for my skin. while i realize that my fondness obsession love of beauty products means i won't always be using natural ingredients, i am always thrilled when i either find and purchase or am given the opportunity to try new green beauty goodies {in this case, the brand sent me products}.
the items i refer to are from 100% Pure, and let me say darlings, they are yummy, yummy.
i have reviewed the Tinted Moisturizer in the past, and this time i was able to try all the gorgeousness that came along with the luminous primer, fruit pigmented pot rouge {Rosy}, satin eye shadow {Halo} and flawless skin foundation {Toffee}.
by now, you've probably guessed that i am loving these products...
truly, it amazes me that these products are so incredibly pigmented and work as well, if not even better than a lot of chemical-filled products. i love that the primer left my skin feeling silky soft and the foundation is buildable, providing the coverage i wanted, where i wanted it. the shadow is as soft as satin, just at the name suggests and the pot rouge {isn't that such a fabulous, classic word? rouge...love it!} gave my cheeks the perfect flush of color right where i applied it.
another fabulous thing about 100% Pure products is that they're loaded with antioxidants and skin-loving ingredients {fruits, teas, vitamins} that help skin on a deeper level, hence the smile on my face! ;)
visit their website, 100percentpure.com, and discover for yourself these, and many other {like their body lotions!!} gems...
the items i refer to are from 100% Pure, and let me say darlings, they are yummy, yummy.
i have reviewed the Tinted Moisturizer in the past, and this time i was able to try all the gorgeousness that came along with the luminous primer, fruit pigmented pot rouge {Rosy}, satin eye shadow {Halo} and flawless skin foundation {Toffee}.
truly, it amazes me that these products are so incredibly pigmented and work as well, if not even better than a lot of chemical-filled products. i love that the primer left my skin feeling silky soft and the foundation is buildable, providing the coverage i wanted, where i wanted it. the shadow is as soft as satin, just at the name suggests and the pot rouge {isn't that such a fabulous, classic word? rouge...love it!} gave my cheeks the perfect flush of color right where i applied it.
visit their website, 100percentpure.com, and discover for yourself these, and many other {like their body lotions!!} gems...
pics taken by me :)
Friday, October 14, 2011
Download Lagu di Internet Bisa Dipenjara 12 Tahun
"Ancamannya penjara 12 tahun, itu sesuai dengan Undang-undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik," katanya di halaman Gedung Sate, Senin (8/8/2011).
Ia mengatakan, untuk pencegahan pihaknya akan melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat. Menurutnya, selama ini masyarakat Indonesia khususnya anak muda sudah terbiasa dengan layanan download lagu gratis.
"Untuk pencegahan masalah illegal downloading ini pertama-tama kita akan sosialisasikan dulu ke masyarakat karena kalau langsung diblokir bisa jadi masyarakat akan marah. Selama ini, masyarakat kita khususnya remaja sudah terbiasa menngunduh lagu gratis di dunia maya," ujarnya.
source : http://www.tribunnews.com
Thursday, October 13, 2011
receiving sparkle ...

every girl loves a bit of sparkle in her life...
in my case it come by way of a fabulous arrangement, a swap to be exact, by the lovely Kaileen Elise, a fellow blogger and all-around extraordinary woman.
simply put, Kaileen wanted to celebrate her 2-year blogging anniversary in a way that would spread cheer, give other fellow bloggers the opportunity to connect, and share a little bit of, well, sparkle!
{via snail mail ~ which i thought was one of the best parts!}
i was assigned {for lack of a better term} to send a package of goodies to a young woman, Ashley, in virginia, and Danielle, the woman assigned to send me a package, i discovered later, lives in ohio. after we all received a little glimpse of our person {by way of questionaire}, we were to send along 4 things: a bit of sparkle, a treat that soothes, something sweet, and a surprise.
here's what Danielle sent!
everything came in a fabulous Breakfast at Tiffany's tin tote-- j'adore!

coffee and chocolates! yummy...
a Sephora gift card and travel-friendly mirror-- so fabulous!

also included was a gorgeous card from Danielle, with a lovely message, along with a note pad and sticky notes {a girl can never have too many!} ~ she definitely spoiled me! i'm forever thankful for her thoughtfulness and generosity ~ i love it all. :)
i had so much fun picking out goodies for my gal, Ashley, too. when she shares her post, i'll be sure to let you know so you can check it out {in the meantime, you can visit her here}!
and finally, i have to say a *big thank you to Kaileen, who single-handily connected so many fellow bloggers through this fun, sparkling adventure!
in my case it come by way of a fabulous arrangement, a swap to be exact, by the lovely Kaileen Elise, a fellow blogger and all-around extraordinary woman.
simply put, Kaileen wanted to celebrate her 2-year blogging anniversary in a way that would spread cheer, give other fellow bloggers the opportunity to connect, and share a little bit of, well, sparkle!
{via snail mail ~ which i thought was one of the best parts!}
i was assigned {for lack of a better term} to send a package of goodies to a young woman, Ashley, in virginia, and Danielle, the woman assigned to send me a package, i discovered later, lives in ohio. after we all received a little glimpse of our person {by way of questionaire}, we were to send along 4 things: a bit of sparkle, a treat that soothes, something sweet, and a surprise.
here's what Danielle sent!
i had so much fun picking out goodies for my gal, Ashley, too. when she shares her post, i'll be sure to let you know so you can check it out {in the meantime, you can visit her here}!
and finally, i have to say a *big thank you to Kaileen, who single-handily connected so many fellow bloggers through this fun, sparkling adventure!
pics taken by me:)
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