the day has finally arrived my beauties: i'm going to new york! i admit, i'm excited, anxious, hopeful, unsure, and any other emotion that is related to those. i think it's simply because it will be my first time venturing out past nevada to the east. actually, now that i think about it, the only places i've traveled to have only been on this side of the continent...
in any case, i'm planning to see the sites (aka, be a tourist), attend fabulous events (including Total Beauty's second beauty blogger summit, Fashion's Night Out and enjoy a couple of "bites" of NY Fashion Week's backstage goings on), and you're going to come right along with me, of course!
so, just to let you know, i have some posts pre-scheduled for each day, so no need to worry about that, and i'll be adding in little tidbits here and there as my trip unfolds. it may be a bunch all at once, it may be little short bits at a time, just bare with me, please, because i don't even know, LOL! :)
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