if you're looking for a new mascara, stop what you are doing right now, and go get Lancome's new Hypnose Drama Mascara.
this mascara is AMAZING! i even tweeted about it after the first time i used it-- it's that good. it makes my lashes look incredible, every single time i use it.
two weeks ago, i was at Sephora with a friend, and the conversation went like this:
her: "what are some of your favorite mascaras?"
me: "oh, i'm loving Lancome's new mascara. it's called Hypnose Drama..." then i proceeded to tell her about a couple more mascaras i liked from both drug and department stores.
her: "what are you wearing right now?"
me: had to think a second --"Hypnose"
her: "wow! that is good mascara-- i've been looking at your lashes today thinking they look great. they're so full and lush"
me: "thanks!"
another thing that fabulous about this mascara is that it doesn't flake or clump and washes off so easily at the end of the day.
here are the before and after pics:

no mascara
with the Hypnose Drama, just on the top lashes
so if you want full, lush, amazing-looking lashes, get this. like now.
btw, i would have posted a pic of my own personal mascara (as i usually do), but my camera broke at some point between day 1 and 2 in nyc. thankfully, i took pics of my eyes before it kicked the bucket...
find Lancome Hypnose Drama Mascara at your local Lancome beauty counter or shop online at sephora.com and lancome-usa.com
pics taken by me :)
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