Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Body Painting World 2012

world bodypainting 2012
fres body painting trend
Trend Makeup Tradition
Isi Maklumat Dari Wakil Rakyat
Disampaikan kepada seluruh rakyat Indonesia di manapun berada. Bahwa sehubungan dengan pemberitaan yang terus menerus memojokkan Kami sebagai Wakil Rakyat Indonesia, maka diberitahukan bahwa Kami Wakil Rakyat sesungguhnya telah menjalankan Amanah Kami dengan sebaik-baiknya dalam mewakili Rakyat Indonesia; sebagai berikut :
1. Rakyat Indonesia mau Kaya, sudah Kami Wakili.
2. Rakyat Indonesia mau Mobil Mewah, sudah Kami Wakili.
3. Rakyat Indonesia mau Rumah Mewah, sudah Kami Wakili.
4. Rakyat Indonesia mau Gaji Besar/Gede, sudah Kami Wakili.
5. Rakyat Indonesia mau Pelesir ke Luar Negeri, sudah Kami Wakili.
6. Rakyat Indonesia mau Bekerja di Gedung Besar dan Mewah, akan Kami Wakili.
7. Rakyat Indonesia mau Duduk di Kursi Mewah, akan Kami Wakili.
8. Rakyat Indonesia mau WC dan Kamar Mandi Mewah, juga akan Kami Wakili.
9. Termasuk jika Rakyat Indonesia mau Main Wanita, sudah Kami Wakili.
10. Demikian juga, jika Rakyat Indonesia mau Tidur Nyenyak di Ruangan ber AC, sudah Kami Wakili.
Jadi, semua kemauan Rakyat Indonesia, sudah dan akan Kami Wakili. Maka Wakil Rakyat menghimbau agar Rakyat Indonesia dapat tetap tenang dan melanjutkan aktivitas seperti biasanya.
Terima kasih,
source from : http://duniamaya999.wordpress.com
Sunday, January 29, 2012
organic beauty: Cecilia Wong Skincare

products i used include, but are not limited to, Awakening Gel Cleanser, Rejuvenating Toner mist, and moisturizer {for oily/overactive skin}.
free of all the yucky parabens, sulfates or artificial colors and fragrances, the cleanser has a name that is perfect fit for its name, awakening. the formula is refreshing, smells bright with citrus, and leaves my skin so clean, without over-drying it...
the rejuvenating toner keeps hydration levels up in my skin with luxe ingredients like chamomile water, rosemary and lavender {ahhh...},
and topped with the moisturizer, my skin was always left looking fabulously radiant.
visit the Cecilia Wong website to learn more about this beautiful line, its creator, and if you're in the nyc area, you can treat your skin to a facial at her park avenue spa!
products samples provided by the brand's pr for review consideration; pic taken by me :)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Biasakanlah Buang Air Kecil Usai Bercinta

Secara umum saran untuk buang air kecil setelah melakukan hubungan seks adalah ide yang baik. Hal ini karena ketika melakukan hubungan seks maka ada kemungkinan bakteri yang seharusnya tidak boleh ada masuk ke dalam uretra (tabung dari kandung kemih), karena uretra ini harusnya steril.
Bakteri atau kuman sangat mudah masuk ke saluran kemih. Infeksi ini seringkali sulit dicegah dan hampir semua orang pernah mengalaminya. Namun membiasakan berkemih (kencing) usai bercinta bisa mencegah seseorang terkena infeksi saluran kemih.
Beberapa dokter juga merekomendasikan seseorang untuk buang air kecil sebelum dan sesudah melakukan hubungan seks untuk membantu mengeluarkan bakteri yang mungkin masuk ke uretra selama bercinta, seperti dikutip dari Womenshealth.About.
Infeksi saluran kemih bisa terjadi pada saluran ginjal (ureter), saluran kencing bagian luar (uretra) atau di kandung kemih. Perempuan lebih rentan terkena infeksi ini ketimbang laki-laki, hal ini karena saluran kemih perempuan lebih pendek sehingga bakteri atau mikroorganisme penyebab infeksi lebih mudah masuk.
Orang yang terkena infeksi saluran kemih biasanya mengeluhkan sakit ketika kencing, anyang-anyangan, warna urine yang pekat atau kadang disertai darah, nyeri pada pinggang dan kadang disertai dengan demam.
Salah satu cara yang tepat mencegah infeksi saluran kemih adalah membiasakan untuk minum air putih dalam jumlah yang cukup, karena membantu menjaga sistem kemih untuk mengeluarkan bakteri yang masuk sehingga bebas kuman.
Jika seseorang kurang minum maka bakteri yang masuk akan sulit dikeluarkan yang nantinya dapat mengembangkan risiko infeksi saluran kemih. Infeksi saluran kemih ini bisa disebabkan oleh bakteri E.coli dan chlamidia.
Karena itu tak ada salahnya untuk minum segelas air sebelum melakukan hubungan seks agar bisa mengisi kandung kemih dan membantu mengeluarkan bakteri yang mungkin masuk selama berhubungan seks.
source from : http://www.detikhealth.com
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
How to Hit on Sexy Girls
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Very beautiful girls wallpapers |
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Very beautiful girls wallpapers |
Getting all fired up to start meeting and hitting on sexy girls? Or maybe, being too nervous and antsy would be a more proper description. Well, I won't blame you - hitting on sexy girls sure is a much challenge than trying to get the less hot girls to notice you but let me tell you a secret - hitting on sexy girls is no different than hitting on the normal girls. The only difference is that, they're much more in demand and more men seek for them. However, most of the male species don't get that lucky with hot girls? Why? They've been using the same strategy over and over again not knowing that girls have gotten tired of it. So now that you know that, you have a better edge. Below are a few tricks on how to hit on sexy girls - and be a total seductive hotshot.
- Gather your wits. Don't panic. Just because she's smoking hot doesn't mean you have to get all anxious and frantic about everything. She's a girl, for Cripes sakes. She expects you to be the man. You have to make an absolute good impression on her no matter what. So gather your wits, organize your thoughts and don't slip - be yourself.
- Don't drool. Sexy girls have the tendency to try to twirl you around their fingers and then break your heart. Especially if you act all needy and hysterical to please them. Pose as a challenge as well! Or better yet, try to show that you value yourself and that you're really not going to lose it if they're not interested. It's not the end of the world if they don't anyway. Be cool.
- Keep it simple. Most guys tend to say yes to a girl's whim if they're hit hard - especially when she's a hot girl. If you try to impress her with expensive gifts, treating her out in expensive restaurants and telling her how insanely rich you are (well, unless you really are) you may have to keep up with that image and will eventually lose her when you take a step back. It's always best to keep things simple but true - less pressure and more chance for her to know the real you!
- Have fun flirting. One thing great about hitting on sexy girls is that they will be quite impressed easily - very few men are brave enough to try their luck on this type of women. If you show that you're cool, relaxed and having a great time while flirting at them, you will definitely stuck - hot women like men who can make a difference to stand out from the crowd. So trash the typical - let her realize what laidback dude you are.
Do you want to become a master when it comes to reading the signs of flirting? Are you still up for more tricks on how to flirt and approach hot girls? Can you handle the excitement and thrill of my free seduction advice and other techniques on how to hit on sexy girls? Unravel more techniques on how to be an expert when it comes to dating and flirting with women by visiting my website this very second! You're just one click away from it all.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Kronologis Kecelakaan Maut Xenia (Video)

Kecelakaan Maut Xenia Tugu Tani diunggah di Youtube. Sebuah video pasca kecelakaan maut di Tugu Tani beredar luas di masyarakat. Video Xenia Maut Tugu Tani yang berdurasi selama 3 menit tersebut menunjukan detik-detik setelah kecelakaan maut yang menewaskan sembilan orang itu.
Berikut ini pasca tragedi mengerikan video kecelakaan Xenia maut di Tugu Tani.
Pukul 11.12 WIB.
Kecelakaan terjadi di Jl MI Ridwan Rais arah Tugu Tani, tepatnya depan Gedung Kementerian Perdagangan Jakarta Pusat.
Pengemudi dan penumpang Daihatsu Xenia B 2479 XI usai menghadiri acara di Hotel Borobudur di Lapangan Banteng. Saat itu, pengemudi Xenia memacu kendaraannya hingga 60-70 Km per jam.
Mobil yang dikemudikan Afriyani Susanti (29) berjalan dari arah Hotel Borobudur di Lapangan Banteng menuju Tugu Tani. Di depan Gedung Kemendag, kendaraan oleng kemudian banting setir ke kiri dan menabrak pejalan kaki di trotoar, serta merusak halte bus di depan Gedung Kemendag.
Pukul 12.25 WIB
8 orang korban tabrakan dinyatakan tewas dan dibawa ke RSCM. Sementara itu 5 korban luka-luka dibawa ke RSPAD Gatot Subroto.
8 orang yang meninggal dunia dan dibawa ke RSCM, yaitu:
1. Moch Hudzaifah alias Ujay, 16 th
2. Firmansyah, 21 th
3. Suyatmi, 51 th
4. Yusuf Sigit; 2,5th
5. Ari, 16 th
6. Nanik Riyanti, 25 th
7. Fifit Alfia Fitriasih, 18 th
8. Laki-laki, belum diketahui namanya, umur sekitar 17 th
Sedangkan 5 orang yang dirawat di RSPAD Gatot Subroto yaitu:
1. Ny. Siti Mukaromah, 30 th
2. Moh Akbar, 22 th
3. Keny, 8 th
4. Indra, 11 th
5. Bp Teguh Hadi Purnomo
Keluarga korban dijanjikan santunan Rp 25 juta dari Jasamarga untuk korban meninggal dunia. Sementara korban yang selamat kemudian dijanjikan perawatan sampai sembuh total.
13.00 WIB
Keluarga korban mulai berdatangan ke RSCM. Diketahui 4 orang yang meninggal berasal dari satu keluarga. Sugiantini, seorang nenek dari Jepara yang sedang berlibur bersama keluarganya dari Monas kehilangan empat anggota keluarganya yaitu Nani yang sedang hamil 3 bulan, adiknya Nani bernama Suyatmi, cucu Sugiantini bernama Yusuf (2,5), dan keponakannya Sugiantini (Fifit Alfia Fitriasih, 18). Hingga pukul 19.00 WIB keempat jenazah masih mengurus proses pemulangan ke Jepara.
Pukul 16.00 WIB.
4 Penumpang Daihatsu Xenia, termasuk pengemudi, menjalani tes urine di RS Polri Kramat Jati. Pengemudi Xenia, Afriyani Susanti (29), sudah menjadi tersangka dan ditahan.
Afriyani Susanti ditetapkan sebagai tersangka dan dikenakan Pasal 283, 287 ayat 5, Pasal 288, Pasal 310 ayat 1, ayat 2, ayat 3, dan ayat 4. Afriyani langsung ditahan sambil menunggu proses di Penegakan Hukum (Gakkum) Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Sudarmanto.
3 Rekan tersangka sebagai saksi, yakni Deny Mulyana (30) yang duduk di samping Afriyani, serta penumpang Xenia yang duduk di belakang Adistria Putri Grani (26) dan Arisendi (34). Polda Metro juga memeriksa saksi lain yang ada di lokasi yakni, Suwarto, Ridwan dan Zulhendri.
source from : http://dunia-panas.blogspot.com/
Sunday, January 22, 2012
eye creams for every budget...

when it comes to which are best for you, more often than not, it's not just a matter of which product is best and actually will work, but also what is most affordable for your budget.
thankfully, there are many fabulous options on the market that are effective and won't send you into debt. i've used the following eye creams {on their own, separately, over the last several months} and they are all effective and have varying price points...
Caudalie Premier Cru the eye cream is the priciest {just under the hundred dollar mark}, but lives up to its promise of delivering a healthy, youthful look to the eye area. tetrapeptides and grape seed polyphenols {antioxidants!} are to thank for the results this rich, iridescent cream gives. highly concentrated, this gem gave my skin a more hydrated feel as well as a supple and radiant look.
Philosophy Eye Hope is in the mid-price range and my favorite for reducing puffiness and keeping fine lines at bay. this popular eye cream is heavy with antioxidants and hydrating ingredients, but is completely lightweight and fast-absorbing.
the Yes To brand offers eye products that are affordable and can be found in your local mass retailer {CVS, Target}. Yes To Cucumbers Soothing Eye Gel {not pictured} does exactly that, thanks to ingredients like chamomile and cucumber, while Yes To Blueberries Eye Firming Treatment gives eyes a radiance boost and aids in keeping the delicate area of the eye firm. both are rich in antioxidants and didn't irritate my eyes at all.
tell me: do you spend more on your eye cream because it's what works best for you and is worth the splurge, or do you only use what you can afford??
caudalie and yes to brands sent to me for review consideration; pic taken by me :)
Friday, January 20, 2012
Color envy
I love white walls, I find them calm and serene and after living in a house where the walls were puke green and weird yellow for a year, I absolutely have no desire to ever have anything but white walls ....but this apt is done so beautifully that it almost wants to make me change my mind....almost...
visit the whole house here http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/gregs-decadent-art-deco-condo-142751
visit the whole house here http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/gregs-decadent-art-deco-condo-142751
Hot Sexy Tips on How to Get Her in the Mood - Naughty Techniques to Make Her Want You
Turning a woman on is a skill and is a big essential part in the art of seduction. Many men have tried their best to get a woman attracted and interested to them, however, only a very few succeeded. Now, there are rules when you want to know the skills on how to get her in the mood --- your attitude and mindset play a vital role and of course, your oozing sex appeal. Once you do, you will marvel at the rewards and will start to think why you haven't tried practicing on the skills sooner --- it's going to guarantee you exciting dating and flirting nights ahead! Below are top four hot sexy tips on how to get her in the mood now:
- It's all about the vibes.Create the mood. Bring her somewhere where she'll feel totally relaxed and at ease with you. Remember that you both need to reach a certain level of comfort before you start getting all naughty and intimate with each other. Engage in light topics and go easy on the drinks --- though a few shots can help you loosen up and be more flirtatious. Make use of body language signals and decode if she's flirting right back --- that's a sure sign she's now in the mood for more action.
- Initiate intimacy. Hold her hand, caress her back, massage her neck, rest a hand on her thigh --- there are a million ways for you to initiate intimacy. Make sure that she's attempted some as well such as touching you or maintaining eye contact --- there are flirting signals telling you that she's now definitely in the mood. Don't be scared to do the first move --- chances are, she might be just as excited and thrilled like you.
- Smell good. Women are very particular with nice scents --- so the least you can do is spray some on yourself. Being clean is a major turn-on and smelling good is one of the most basic techniques when you want to start making girls attracted to you. Choose a scent that makes you feel totally comfortable and confident in, and always make it a habit to put some on before heading out --- you can never know when a beautiful girl suddenly pops out and gets all flirty with you.
- Talk deep and sexy.The deep tone has an aphrodisiac effect to most women --- you give them a slight hint on how you sound first thing in the morning. The bedroom voice has always made wonders when you want to start attracting the opposite sex --- your sultry sexy tone gives off a very appealing sound that will make her totally in the mood for more.
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